OK, so, I have a new-found obsession with seahorses. It ain't funny! Because whenever the subject of seahorses came up-which wierdly enough, it did- I enjoyed impressing people with my knowledge that seahorses live in monogamous relationships, make musical sounds while mating and can decieve each other. I learned this from reading
Eating Animals by Jonathon Safran Foer (good book! review later?). Naturally, I craved more praise, so through extensive research (OK- five minutes on wikipedia and google images), I have learned more about these cuties, and guess the fuck what?! Imma tell you all of it, so you can impress people. Yay!
You probably know that the male seahorses have the babies (I love that! You so crazy, Seahorses!) but here's how it works: while mating, the female releases the egg into the male seahorse (in seahorse porn, they have money shots of female seahorses depositing the egg) and then he fertilizes it and gives birth to the little baby seahorse (above)! ...Aw!!
Seahorses have a long courtship period and they do this little dance thing, which usually lasts about 8 hours:
It's so cute!! Ah! I could watch seahorse videos all day! And they usually mate during the full moon !*Sigh* so romantic!
They have to eat almost constantly to live because they ain't have a stomach or teeth! And their eyes can move indepentently of each other! They use their tail basically as a hand, because they use it to hold on to things and....when they swim with friends/mates they link tails!! Aw!
Seahorses are also used in traditonal Chinese medicine (?) and "as many as 20 million seahorses are caught and sold for this purpose (!)". In
Seri culture (of northwestern Mexico) the ledgend is that seahorses were humans who escaped their pursuers in to the sea, putting thier sandals in thier waistbelt.
Seahorses are so so cute! Actually, I'm really surprised that I like them, though, it's weird, I mean, I like animals but I'm not exactly
Nature Boy, if you catch my drift... (and OK, that video had very little to do with the actual concept of being a "nature boy," but it's always a good time to listen to Bowie). And a lot of underwater creatures, frankly, freak me out. Imagine if you went swimming and you met with one of these creepers....OK, I was going to link to a picture of some type of really gross, scary fish, but....I got too scared and had to close the tab... Heh. I'm a wimp. I also kind of have a complex about fish because I once had a fish stuck in my bathing suit when I was a kid...but that's a story for another day. Anyway, you know what I mean there are a lot of really fucking ugly fish out there, but seahorses are different! They're like the Lisa Simpsons of the ocean.
They are really cute and sweet...Well... I'm sure most underwater animals are sweet...but....I don't know! Seahoreses are the cutest! Stop asking questions!
...BTW, that thing I said about seahorse porn wasn't true.